To achieve the proposed objectives, the curriculum has been structured in different fields, within which a relation of subjects with the objective that the student gets the competences established in the course are included. There are compulsory and optional subjects. The optional subjects form the different specialities included in the master's. This structure allows to guarantee two different types of knowledge.
Marketing general knowledge (obtained on taking the compulsory subjects).
- Introduction to the origin and evolution of marketing.
- Basic principles of marketing management.
- Management skills.
- Approach and development of market research.
- To analyse and understand the consumer's buying process and the variables that influence it.
- To analyse and understand the social behaviour and the variables that influence it.
- Study of the mix marketing or operational marketing through the marketing tools:
- Launching of a new product or to manage one already existing.
- Setting the price or making modifications of it.
- To select and manage the distribution channels.
- Decisions on the creativity and planning of the communication tools.
- Development of marketing plans and strategies through the use of simulation tools.
Specialisation knowledge (obtained on taking one of the five optional subjects).
- Communication speciality (at University of Valencia): corporative communication, promotional communication, advertising management, media message and planning.
- Distribution speciality (at University of Valencia): management of the channel relations, marketing in the point of sale, logistics and physical distribution, sales management.
- Market research speciality (at University of Valencia) trade research projects management, advanced statistics, trade research techniques, causal research designs.
- International Marketing speciality (at UNIVERSITY JAUME I CASTELLÓ): international marketing, customer loyalty strategies, branding in international markets, international business management.
Master's Degree: 60 credits Compulsory credits: 34 Optional credits: 20 Work placement (if they are included): no Master's Degree final project (compulsory): 6 TOTAL: 60 |
Compulsory contents (34 credits) |
Subject 1. Development of social and directive skills and marketing operative environment. 15 credits. Directive and team management skills (5 credits) Design of operative marketing in the launch of new products (10 credits) |
Subject 2. Strategic diagnosis of the market in marketing planning. 10 credits. Market Research multivariable techniques (5 credits) Advanced analysis on customer and competence in the marketing plan (5 credits) |
Subject 3. Strategy, simulation and new technologies. 9 credits. Simulation and new technologies (5 credits) Strategic decisions in marketing (4 credits) |
Optional contents (20 credits) |
Subject 4. Communication speciality. University of Valencia. 20 credits. Corporative communication (5 credits) Promotional communication (5 credits) Advertising management (5 credits) Message and media planning (5 credits) |
Subject 5. Distribution speciality. University of Valencia. 20 credits. Relations management in the channel (5 credits) Marketing in the point of sale (5 credits) Logistics and physical distribution (5 credits) Sales management (5 credits) |
Subject 6. Market research speciality. University of Valencia. 20 credits. Management of commercial research projects (5 credits) Advanced statistics (5 credits) Commercial research techniques (5 credits) Designs of causal research (5 credits). |
Subject 7. International marketing speciality. JAUME I UNIVERSITY 20 credits. International business management (5 credits) International Marketing (5 credits) Branding in international markets (5 credits) Customer loyalty strategies (5 credits) |
Compulsory contents (6 credits) |
Subject 9. Master's degree final project. 6 credits. |
To obtain the qualification of Master's Degree the student have to pass 60 ECTS credits, which cover:
34 compulsory ECTS credits consisting of three subjects (1, 2 y 3), taught during the first semester.
20 optional ECTS credits, structured in speciality subjects (4, 5, 6, 7, y 8), taught during the second semester.
Master's Degree final project: all the students have to carry out and defend a Master's degree final project (subject 9), with a value of 6 ECTS credits, fulfilled in the final phase of the curriculum and oriented to the student to demonstrate the acquisition of the competences associated to the qualification.
The offer of five optional subjects gives the students the chance of completing their general knowledge in marketing going deep in the branch that best adapts to their professional and researching preferences. The inter-university character of the master's degree allows the offered variety.
Regarding the possibility of partial enrollment, we offer two alternatives:
1st The student enrolls all the compulsory (34 credits) and ends in February. The specialty and the Final project take place the following year.
2ª The student registers the obligatory nature, less the compulsory subjects 40099-Managerial Skills and 42048-Simulation and new technologies, in their place they can register two electives of the specialty by which access to the master. The next course would enroll the two mandatory pending plus the rest of electives and the Final project.
Finally, although the work placement is not present in the master's degree curriculum, the students willing to do it will be allowed to make use of the internship programme offered by the diverse participant Universities, though these will not be included in the curriculum or will be computed in the obtaining of the qualification.