Last days to pre-register for UV Master's Degrees for 2024-2025 Last days to pre-register for UV Master's Degrees for 2024-2025 10/06/24 Are you looking for more training? Do you want to achieve greater professional expertise and stand out in the labour market? You can acheive all of this by studying one of the UV’s 110 Master's...[Read more]
The University launches a new employability programme for students in their final years of bachelor's and master's degree courses. The University launches a new employability programme for students in their final years of bachelor's and master's degree courses. 20/04/23 The University of Valencia, with the support of the Valencian Service of Occupation and Formation LABORA, presents 'RUTA 5.0', a new experimental programme, aimed at students in the final years of...[Read more]
The Philosophy and Educational Sciences Forum starting with new professional trends in the SDGs The Philosophy and Educational Sciences Forum starting with new professional trends in the SDGs 01/03/23 The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda will be the basis on which the next Employment Forum of the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences will be held on February 28....[Read more]
The Employment and Entrepreneurship Forum arrives for the first time at the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences The Employment and Entrepreneurship Forum arrives for the first time at the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences 10/03/22 The Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences celebrates next Wednesday, March 9th, the Employment and Entrepreneurship Forum of the Universitat de València, joining the initiative of the Office...[Read more]
UVocupació llança un nou programa per a impulsar la carrera professional de l’estudiantat de màster UVocupació llança un nou programa per a impulsar la carrera professional de l’estudiantat de màster 20/12/21 El servei d’orientació i ocupació de la Universitat de València, UVocupació, ha obert el període d’inscripció per a participar en un nou programa d’ocupabilitat adreçat a l’estudiantat de màster...[Read more]
New master website 27/03/15 The coordination of the master has revamped its website to adapt it to the new content management system and improve its interface and accessibility, as has already been done on the corporate website...
Pre-enrolment to Masters' Programmes course 2015-2016 Pre-enrolment to Masters' Programmes course 2015-2016 09/03/15 The University of Valencia has launched the pre-enrolment call for the Official Master's Degree.[Read more]