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Master's and teaching without public examinations

The current Spanish legal provisions dictate that, in order to work as a professor in all the different secondary education fields, it’s necessary to hold a degree or similar, as well as receive a master’s level pedagogical and didactical training. The Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training by the Universitat de València provides this professional enablement, which is demanded by the Educational Administration to exercise the previously-mentioned profession in public and private secondary education centres. This Master’s is structured in different specialisations which correspond to the ones that already exist in secondary education. Although this doesn’t mean it ensures the validity of all degrees for a professional exercise of public and private-concerted teaching without public examinations.
In the case of students from degrees belonging to the Social and Legal Sciences branch (Journalism, Audio-visual Communication, Advertising and Teacher Training) the Master’s Degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training, along with its Spanish, Catalan and Foreign Languages specialisations, doesn’t gran access to the job bank nor teaching within private-concerted centres, based on the relevant authority’s criteria. It only enables public examinations.
Requirements can be checked in the SPECIFIC REGULATIONS section, the following ones specifically: 
RD 860/2010, las condicionas de formación inicial del profesorado de los centros privados
Real Decreto 665/2015, de 17 de julio, por el que se desarrollan determinadas disposiciones relativas al ejercicio de la docencia en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, el Bachillerato, la Formación Profesional y las enseñanzas de régimen especial, a la formación inicial del profesorado y a las especialidades de los cuerpos docentes de Enseñanza Secundaria.
That is, the Master’s trains students to work as public officials after public examinations and teach in private-concerted centres or from the job bank, granted the credit number of degree subjects reach the amount required in the above-mentioned regulations.