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This degree’s professionalism and the regulations it’s under impose the necessity of a connection between the degree pursued by students and their specialisation of choice, showing that undergraduate degrees allowing direct and priority access to each specialisation exist, while others allow direct access, but with less priority for each specialisation; and, lastly, degrees that don’t allow direct access to the specialisation. To that end, and when defining the master’s access criteria, it’s important to take into account the Royal Decree 1834/2008, of November 8, for which the training conditions for the exercise of the profession of Compulsory Secondary Education & A Levels, Vocational Training and Special Training professor are defined and the specialisation of secondary education teachers are established.               

Acces Requirements for each of the master's specialisations 

Based on the previously-mentioned facts, the following degree priority levels are established for access to each of the Master’s Degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training’s specialisations.


Priority level 1

Degrees that allow direct access, and preferentially, to each specialty.

Priority level 2

Degrees that allow direct access to each specialty, only if the offer is higher than the existing demand for the preferred degrees.

Priority level 3

Degrees that allow access to each specialty, only if the offer is higher than the existing demand for the degrees of the previous priorities, and always by means of an access test.


Generic groups Master Secondary

Specialties PROPOSAL
Biology and Geology 40
Drawing 40
Economics 20
Philosophy 20
Physical Education 40
Physics and Chemistry 40
Geography and History 80
Spanish Language 80
Catalan Language 40
English 80
French  10
German 10
Languages and Classical Cultures: Greek and Latin 20
Mathematics 40
Music 20
Job Training and Counselling 20
Educational Guidance 40
Technology and Industrial Processes 40
Company, Commerce and Tourism 40
Health Science 40
Sociocultural and Community Services     40