The Master’s Degree in Tourism Management and Planning of the University of Valencia has a professional focus which consists of the development of Professional Work Placements (PEP) with a work load of 9 ECTS.
The work placements will be done preferably in a full time basis, during the second semester, preferably between April and May, although there are other modalities such as, part time, weekends or intermittent periods.
In any case, the number of work placement days will be adjusted to around 200 hours (understood as 5 weeks, in full time basis), corresponding to 8 ECTS, considering that the attendance to meetings with the tutor of the company and the academic tutor, as well as the development of the work placement report supposes 20 hours or 0. 8 ECTS. For completing the work placements the students will do a face to face Work Placement Seminar, of 5 hours or 0.2 ECTS, taught by the OPAL of the University of Valencia.
The student should adapt to the schedule established by the tutor of the company or institution, as well as the place where he/she will make the work placement, that could be the headquarters of the company or institution or any other that requires the development of the scheduled activities for the student in the work placement.
The University will sign a cooperation agreement with the company or institution, which clearly specifies that the student is hosted only as student, without right to receive any economic benefits or acquiring any labour right. The work placement period will be covered to the effects of accidents; by the school insurance contracted for the student through his/her enrolment in the Master’s.