A Master’s Degree is an academic course that culminates with the obtaining of an official qualification of Postgraduate studies of higher education. As is set out in the article 15 of the RD 1393/2007, the teachings of the Master’s will conclude with the development and public defence of a Master’s Degree Final Project (TFM), that in the case of the Master’s Degree in Tourism Management and Planning (MDPT) consists of 10 ECTS. To assess the TFM it is necessary that the student has completed all the ECTS of the Master’s Degree.
In agreement with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), 1 ECTS is the equivalent of 25 hours of students’ work, so this is a project of 10 credits and 250 hours.
There are two training activities that must be done in the TFM. First, the student must attend the supervision meetings with the academic tutor. For this activity the Academic Coordinating Committee (CCAM) has considered that it is necessary, at least, to employ 25 hours (1 credit) until the final defence of the TFM (as is outlined in the MDPT report).The second training activity consists in the development of the TFM by the student; this supposes a minimum of 225 hours of student’s work (9 credits).