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UVemprén Gennera 2022
3rd edition of the UVemprén Gennera corporate entrepreneurship challenge programme

The Office of the Vice-Principal for Innovation and Transfer of the Universitat de València is organising this training programme designed by the Entrepreneurship Unit (UVemprén) in collaboration with two major companies in the Valencian productive sector: Ford Spain and Grefusa.


The aim of the programme is for students to develop the professional and entrepreneurial skills necessary to solve the real innovation challenges presented to them by the collaborating companies, showing their talent for entrepreneurship in the corporate environment.

This project is sponsored by the Campus for Innovative Entrepreneurship of the Regional Ministry of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Trade and Employment, whose brand Llamp promotes entrepreneurship based on social and technological innovation and sustainable development objectives. It also has the support of the Campus of entrepreneurship UVemprén - Santander Universities and is aimed at Degree, Master’s Degree and Doctoral students of the Universitat de València enrolled in the 2022-2023 academic year.

Those who successfully complete the programme will receive a certificate accrediting the training received, will be eligible for a prize of €300 for the members of the winning teams in each of the challenges and will be able to have up to 2 ECTS credits for university participation recognised in their academic transcript. The deadline for applications is 16th October 2022.

The Universitat de València, through the Entrepreneurship Unit (UVemprén) of the Office of the Vice-Principal for Innovation and Transfer, opens the call for UVemprén Gennera, the training programme in which participants can learn to solve real business challenges.

This programme is carried out in collaboration with some of the most important companies in the business ecosystem of the Valencian Community, such as Ford Spain and Grefusa. It is also sponsored by the Innovative Entrepreneurship Campus of the Generalitat Valenciana and Santander Universities as part of the UVemprén-Santander Universities Campus.

Ford Spain, a company whose objective is to become the leading company in automotive products and solutions, has set us this challenge: Help Ford spread the word about the benefits of electric mobility. Let’s find together the mental barriers that users may have and dismantle false myths in order to look to the future.

Grefusa is a Spanish family company specialised in the production of nuts and cereal snacks, foods to enjoy, and it presents us with the following challenge: Collaborate with Grefusa to launch a new University Talent Attraction Programme: What does a centennial look for to fall in love with a company?

The deadline for submitting applications is 16th October, and the call for applications has already been published in the Diari Oficial de la Generalitat Valenciana (Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana). All the information and the terms and conditions of the call can be found at this link: 


Date From 11 july 2022 to 16 october 2022. 24h. Every day.



Organized by

Entrepreneurship Unit (UVemprén).



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