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EIT Food Challenge Lab 2022

How can we provide consumers with affordable and high quality local products? This is the question that will be addressed in the online meeting promoted by the European initiative EIT Food, with which AgrotecUV collaborates.



AgrotecUV, the High Technology Incubator in Sustainable Agri-Food recently created by the Universitat de València and the Scientific Park Foundation of the UV has established a collaboration with the EIT Food for the EIT Food Challenge Lab 2022: Southern Europe. EIT Food is a European initiative that is part of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), an independent EU body set up to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in sustainable food in Europe.

This Challenge Lab is a 100% online hackathon that will take place on 28th and 30th September with key actors and experts from the agri-food industry in Southern Europe. It is an opportunity to generate relationships between co-founders, lead to the creation of new businesses and build links between industry, academia and start-ups around a relevant and topical challenge.

The winners will receive a prize of €4,000 and a ticket to the Grand Final Awards, the European final of the most promising entrepreneurs and innovators from the EIT ecosystem. The second and third best teams will receive €3,000 and €2,000 respectively.

If you are interested in developing an innovative idea and connecting with peers and mentors to reimagine the future of the Mediterranean agri-food system, do not hesitate to register through the following link: Registration form EIT Food Challenge Lab 2022: Southern Europe (

If you have any doubts, you can contact us by email at:



Date From 27 july 2022 to 30 september 2022. 24h. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday.



Organized by

EIT Food with the collaboration of AgrotecUV.

AgrotecUV - Universitat de València



More information