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Photographic competition on women and science

In the framework of the celebration of March 8, International Women's Day, and in view of the great reception given to its past editions, we would like to present the fifth edition of the 5th Photographic Competition on Women and Science, "Conscientiousness". The competition is part of the activities carried out by the different Equality Commissions of the Burjassot-Patema Campus Centres and is sponsored by the Unitat d'lgualtat of the University of Valencia. The aim of the contest is to promote gender equality in our university by taking photographs showing the theme of Women and Science. By calling the competition "ConCienciate" we want to make you think about the need to work together and together to achieve the full participation of women in research and science.


ScheduleFrom 23 may 2018 to 23 june 2018. Every day at 09:00 to 19:00.


Campus de Burjassot- Paterna

Organized by

Comisiones de igualdad

Campus de Burjassot- Paterna .



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