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  • MUVHN Calendar 2023

Tridacna gigas – November

  • November 2nd, 2022

Tridacna gigas is a bivalve mollusc that is characterized by its large size, by presenting between 4 to 5 triangular undulations in the shell and because the adult specimens cannot close it completely.

Tridacna gigas - November

The coat may be golden brown, yellow, blue, or green, with many iridescent, blue, purple, or green spots, especially toward the ends of the coat.

These animals are usually found as part of coral reefs, in warm and shallow waters of the Red Sea, the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. They live in symbiosis with zooxanthellae algae that give them their bright colors. These algae perform photosynthesis producing oxygen and sugars, which are used by the clam. Therefore, these animals need to live in lighted areas, although they also filter the water to complete their diet.

At the MUVHN we have a complete specimen that includes both valves with a maximum length of 43 cm and a maximum width of 25 cm.

In addition, in our collections there is a valve of this same species with dimensions of 65x40 cm.

Finally, we encourage you to see our 3D model of Tridacna gigas available on our Sketchfab profile through this link.