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Direct Access (cumulative average mark)

If you have an advanced vocational training certificate as a vocational training technician, plastic arts and design technician or sports technician or equivalent, you may apply for direct access to the university with your cumulative average mark (between 5 and 10 points). You apply for a place through pre-enrolment.

Improving the university admission mark (voluntary phase)

If you would like to improve your average mark you may be examined in a series of subjects (minimum of 1 and maximum of 4). Only the two best marks for the subjects passed will be calculated.
The exams coincide in content and date of the voluntary phase of the university entrance examinations (PAU) for upper secondary school students and are valid for two consecutive academic years. In order to take these exams you must bring official academic certification:


  • If you possess an advanced vocational training certificate as a vocational training technician: successful completion of all training modules with the exception of the training module in the workplace and, if applicable, the project module.
  • If you possess an advanced vocational training certificate as a plastic arts and design technician: successful completion of the training modules with the exception of the work placements in companies, studios and workshops and the integrated project module.
  • In you possess an advanced vocational training certificate as a sports technician: successful completion of all the training cycles with the exception of practical training and the final project.
    En el cas del Títol de tècnic esportiu superior: superació de tots els mòduls del cicle a excepció dels mòduls de formació pràctica i de projecte final.

This certification is provisional until the qualification is accredited in order to make undergraduate admission effective.

Calculating the university admission mark 

The marks are weighted by 0.1 or 0.2 (provided the mark is 5 or above) according to the link between the exam subjects and the chosen degree programme, and you can try to improve the average mark by up to 4 points (a maximum of 14 points).


The weighting process  is the same as what is currently applied to studies in upper secondary school.     

  • Admission Mark  = NMC + [weighting x M1] + [weighting x M2]

NMC: cumulate average mark of the training modules
M1 and M2: two best weighted marks = 0.1 or 0.2 according to the link between the subject and the degree programme.

The allocation of places is carried out according to the admission mark. Only in the case of a draw will the link between the degree programme and the relevant area of knowledge be evaluated




  • ROYAL  DECREE 1892/2008, of 14 November, regulating the conditions for access to official university undergraduate programmes and procedures for admission to Spanish public universities.
  • Order 29/2010, of 20 April, by the Valencian Ministry of Education, regulating the university entrance examinations for students who have an upper secondary school qualification, established in the Royal Decree 1892/2008, of 14 November, which regulates the conditions for access to official university undergraduate programmes and procedures for admission to Spanish public universities.
  • Order  EDU/3242/2010, of 9 December determining the content of the specific phase of the university entrance examinations for those who possess an advanced vocational training certificate as a vocational training technician, plastic arts technician or sports technician, or equivalent.
  • Order 39/2011, of 31 May,  by the Valencian Ministry of Education, amends Article 1 and awarding degrees. It also adds Article 9 to the Order 29/2010, of 20 April, by the Ministry of Education, regulating the university entrance examinations in the Valencian Community for students who possess an upper secondary school qualification, established in the Royal Decree 1892/2008, of 14 November, regulating the conditions for access to official university undergraduate programmes and the procedures for admission to Spanish public universities.