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Fees are set each year by the Valencian government according to:

  1. the number of credits
  2. the nature of the degree subjects
  3. other administrative fees (student ID card, setting up academic record, etc). When you register for individual subjects or for credit hours, the total tuition fee cannot be less than 300 euros. However, this minimum amount will not be applied if you have pending subjects or credits whose total amount does not exceed the minimum.

When you register for a subject for the second or subsequent time, there will be a price increase for each credit hour.

  • 2nd enrolment: + 75%
  • 3rd or subsequent enrolment: + 120%

The Council may annually modify the applicable increases in the case of second, third, and subsequent enrolments.

The exemptions and deductions are as follows:

Grants and Scholarships

You do not have to pay tuition fees until the grant or scholarship application has been denied. Once denied, payment must be made within 20 days. However, tuition fees can be charged if the academic requirements are not met.

Distinction with Honours in credits

If you are awarded distinction with honours in one or more subjects within your degree programme this will result in a tuition fee deduction equivalent to the cost of these subjects in the following academic year. If the courses are structured in credit hours, the deduction will be calculated as the same number of credits as the subject you were awarded distinction with honours.

Distinction with Honours in the Spanish Bachillerato (the last year of upper secondary education)/Special Award Bachillerato

If you have been awarded Distinction with Honours in the overall evaluation of Bachillerato or with Special Award in Bachillerato you are exempt from paying tuition fees the first year, you will only pay the administrative fees.

Families with 3 or more children

If you are a member of a family with 3 or more children you can receive these tax benefits:

  • Special category: Fully exempt from tuition fees.
  • General category: 50% deduction

Single-parent families 

If you are a member of a single-parent family you can receive these tax benefits:

  • Special category: Fully exempt from tuition fees.
  • General category: 50% deduction

Victims of armed organisations and terrorist acts

Students who have been victims of terrorism, as well as their spouses (not legally separated) and children are fully exempt from tuition fees.

Victims of gender-based violence

Students who have been victims of gender-based violence, and children under the age of 25, are fully exempt from tuition fees.

Students with disabilities

If a student has a disability rated as 33% or more, and equivalent disabilities, are fully exempt from tuition fees.

Payment terms and deadlines

You can make one full payment, or divide the payment into two ,or six, equal instalments, one made at enrolment and the second made during the last two weeks of January.

Payments can be made in the following ways:

  1. If direct debit is used for the first time or there has been some kind of modification, bank details need to be provided.
  2. As an exception, through banks that have a special arrangement with the University of Valencia, after showing the promissory note.
  3. Other methods that are established every year in the enrolment instructions.

If you wish to pay in instalments you must use direct debit.

Payment deadlines cannot be extended.

Consequences of non-payment

Failure to pay fees or meet the instalment payment deadlines shall result in cancellation of enrolment, without the right to a refund. In such cases, enrolment is automatically cancelled.

The student shall lose the qualifications that may have been earned that year.

When enrolment has been cancelled in the last academic year due to non-payment, a requisite for readmission shall be full payment in a single installment and is cash. The tuition will have to be paid, or if it is the case, canceled, before the end of November of the year in that it enrols.

Students who have paid the fees after the deadline or those who, having opted for direct debit, have not paid by the deadline and are at fault shall pay additional service fees that are established every year, in addition to bank interests, if any. 

Applicable Legislation

Taxa per incorporació de crèdits convalidats i de lliure elecció

D'acord amb la modificació del Text Refós de la Llei de Taxes de la Generalitat, per la incorporació de crèdits convalidats per estudis o activitats realitzades en qualsevol centre universitari s'haurà d'abonar un 25% del preu establert per a cada crèdit en la titulació corresponent.

Aquesta taxa també afectarà a totes les sol·licituds de convalidació de lliure elecció que es realitzen a partir del curs 2012-2013.

Text de l’article 16 de la Llei 9/2011 de 26 de desembre, de Mesures Fiscals, de Gestió Administrativa i Financera, i d'Organització de la Generalitat que modifica l'apartat 2 de l'article 143 del Text Refós de la Llei de Taxes de la Generalitat:

“Dos. Els alumnes que obtinguen la convalidació de cursos complets o d'assignatures, o la convalidació, el reconeixement o la transferència de crèdits per estudis o activitats realitzades en qualsevol centre universitari, pagaran a la universitat el 25 per 100 de les taxes establides en els epígrafs de la tarifa relativa a “Activitat Docent” que siguen aprovats pel Consell, d'acord amb l'article 150, apartat dos, d'esta llei. Igualment, es pagarà el 25 per 100 del preu de la matrícula corresponent a crèdits de lliure elecció o d'activitats universitàries contemplades en l'article 12.8 del Reial decret 1393/2007, de 29 d'octubre, pel qual s'establix l'ordenació dels ensenyaments universitaris oficials, quan la universitat, a sol·licitud de l'alumne, els reconega com a crèdits d'esta naturalesa. La resta de les taxes es pagaran íntegrament.»