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Applications for admission are individually reviewed, taking into account the curriculum vitae and the academic record and in accordance with the global parameters established in the current regulations. Students whose mother tongue is not one of the official languages of the Valencian Community must accredit a level of knowledge of any of the two languages that allows them to understand the lectures, either through a document or by contacting the directors in order to establish an alternative procedure.

Selection criteria:

a) Curriculum vitae, following these criteria:
- Degree completed, giving priority to graduates in Social Education, Pedagogy, Educational Psychology, Education or Social Work, including its specialisations (or foreign equivalents), and specially to graduates of the University of Valencia.
- Academic record
- Professional experience
- Involvement in social organisations or movements (associations, NGOs…)
- Participation in teams and lines of work related to the contents of the Master’s degree
- Courses, conferences, stays in other universities or institutions, participation in work teams and professional networks, etc.

b) Personal interview, if necessary, by the Master’s Committee. The result of the interview will be decisive for the selection. The criteria used in the interview will be:
- Suitability of the profile
- Motivation and interest in the Master’s
- Background education and experience