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Registration for 7th Race Universitat de València is now open

  • Press Office
  • November 12th, 2018
Previous race field image
Previous race field image

The Physical Education and Sport Service and the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences organise the 7th Race Universitat de València on the 25th of November. The race is part of the 14th Divina Pastora Seguros Circuit of Popular Races in València.

Blasco Ibáñez Campus area (with a total of 5,350 m) will be the University challenge again with a fast race (the second shortest within the 14th Divina Pastora Circuit) so all runners can get maximum effort.

This is a very popular race in which students, professors and Universtiy staff will have their own classification. The start will be at Primat Reig Avenue and the finish at the sport facilities in Blasco Ibáñez campus.

4 new categories – PDI-PAS (masculine and feminine) and students (masculine and feminine) will be created within the race with corresponding classifications and trophies. In order to participate in the race, University members will have to provide their University ID and complete the registration.

Hours and days for any information are November 14 to 20 in the Tarongers Campus concierge from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Registration for the race, University accreditation and personal ID are needed for taking part in the race.

The University will present the first 400 people registered and member of the University with a T-shirt.