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For the students who doesn’t meet the training requirements stated in the section 7 of the RD (99/2011) the committee will assess their academic record and issue a report.

Specifically, the application form is based in the article 7 of the Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28 of January, which regulates the official doctoral teachings.

Therefore, the modules of the “Master’s Degree in Developments in Research and Treatment in Psychopathology and Health”, which can be required according to the academic record of each applicant, have been included. Specifically, the three following modules: Mental Health I (42303) of 5 credits; Psychology of Health I (42304) of 5 credits, Methodology in Clinical and Health Psychology (40174) of 10 credits. Such modules are specified in the corresponding information published on the website of the UVEG.


In short, regarding to the students’ profile who can apply for this training, the academic record of the applicant is assessed for observing if they have previous training or not, in the contents of the Master’s Degree in Developments in Research and Treatment in Psychopathology and Health, regardless where they come from. If the applicants already have completed postgraduate studies with similar contents, they will be accepted in the doctoral studies, considering also, that they can include a cover letter, recommendation letters from prestigious professors, even they can undertake a personal interview by the academic committee of the doctoral programme for assessing their knowledge of the indicated Master’s degree contents. If the applicant has completed postgraduate studies which don’t have the content of the “Master’s Degree in Developments in Research and Treatment in Psychopathology and Health”, they have to, according to their needs, take one or various of the three modules mentioned, as has been done until now.”


In the event that this Master’s Degree is not longer offered, all the mentioned above should be adapted to the contents of the new Master’s.