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The Universitat de València celebrates the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

The Universitat de València joins, one more year, the commemoration of 11 February, an initiative that aims to achieve greater participation and progress of women and girls in science and that was approved in 2015 as International Day by the General Assembly of the United Nations (#UN) Official Resolution A/70/474/Add.2

On this occasion, the Universitat is holding an institutional event to give visibility to women's contributions to science and to showcase scientific research conducted with a gender perspective. “Science, gender and innovation at the Universitat de València” is the title of the institutional event scheduled on 9 February from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and which requires registration.

The event consists of four round tables focused on different issues such as “Attracting female scientific talent in Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy”, “Scientific dissemination with a gender perspective. Medicine, Biology and Nutrition”, “The promotion of STEM and women’s talents in Chemistry and Engineering” and finally, “Women as researchers in Health and gender bias”. The event will include speeches by the P of the Universitat, Mavi Mestre and the territorial director of the Valencian Department of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society, Silvia Rueda Pascual.


Date 9 february 2023 at 09:00 to 14:00. Every day.


Darwin Hall. Inter-Faculty Teaching Building. Burjassot Campus

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Contact igualtat@uv.es

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