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Information Erasmus Internships course 2024-2025


The student mobility program Erasmus Internships, for the 2024-2025 academic year, enables students and recent official Bachelor's and Master's graduates to carry out internships in companies, institutions, universities, training centers, research centers and others. organizations from European countries participating in the Erasmus + Program of the European Union. Those institutions based in Spain and that have branches in European countries may also welcome Spanish students. It is also allowed to do internships in embassies or consulates.

Next opening of the second application period: from October 2 to 21, 2024. More information in the "calls" tab.

Erasmus Internships 2024-2025 Information Session:



If you are interested in this scholarship, we recommend that you watch the recording of the information session for undergraduate and master's students at the University of Valencia that we did via Zoom on Thursday, June 20, 2024 10:30 a.m.m.

The meeting is available on our YouTube channel. You can also view the meeting presentation in pdf format.


News of the new 2024-2025 call compared to the previous one:
  1. In modality B: not only the students who have completed their studies in the previous academic year (2023-2024) will be taken into account, but also those who completed their studies during the 2024-2025 academic year and before the last day of the application period. in which it is presented, if it is the second, third and fourth application period. In the first application period, the student will have to complete their degree or master's degree before October 31, 2024 and in any case before starting their internship.
  2. Additional help for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. In addition to the students with a scholarship from the Ministry in the 2023-2024 or 2024-2025 academic year, the following circumstances are included: disability, large or single-parent family, victim of terrorism, victim of gender violence.
  3. New financial aid to cover travel expenses based on the distance between the University of Valencia and the place where the corresponding stay takes place.The amount is fixed and the distance will be determined using the European Union's one-way distance calculator.
  4. Amount of aid by country group: in the 2024-2025 call there have been changes regarding the classification, and therefore the financial aid to be received according to the country of destination. Austria, Germany, Belgium, France, Italy and the Netherlands rise from group 2 to group 1. Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia and the Czech Republic rise from group 3 to group 2. This represents an increase in financial aid for these destinations.
  5. NEW (02/09/2024):  the University of Valencia is proceeding to increase the amount of individual aid for participants by 75 euros per month over the basic amounts initially provided for in the call, according to the resolution published on September 2, 2024. More information in the "scholarships and financial endowment" tab.
Other details of the call:
  • There are two different types of Erasmus Practical aid:
    • Modality A: students enrolled in an official degree from the University of Valencia, whose study plan includes integrated curricular practices. It will be necessary to be enrolled in the internship subject in the 2024-2025 academic year.
    • Modality B: graduates who have completed their university studies in the year immediately preceding the internship. For this call, they will be those who finish in the 2023-2024 academic year, or who finish during the 2024-2025 academic year, complying with the conditions indicated for each application period. The student is considered to have completed the course when his/her academic record shows that all the credits necessary to be able to apply for the degree have been passed, including the final degree or master's thesis (TFG/TFM) and the curricular internships. It is not necessary to have paid the fees to process the bachelor's or master's degree.
  • Period for carrying out the internships for the 2024-2025 course: between September 13, 2024 and September 30, 2025.
  • The planned application deadlines will be four: in June and October 2024; January and April 2025
  • Financing is planned for a maximum of 12 months.
  • Minimum duration of the internship: 2 months.
  • Host entities not eligible for the Erasmus Internship programme: in order to avoid possible conflicts of interest or double financing, EU institutions (e.g. the European Commission) and other EU bodies are not valid host organizations for this programme; organizations managing EU programmes, such as Erasmus+ national agencies, nor specialized agencies.If you have questions, you can consult the complete list of ineligible entities by clicking here.
  • The destination countries can be consulted in the "Scholarships and financial endowment" tab on this website. The United Kingdom and Switzerland are not included as a destination in the call for the Erasmus Internship scholarship 2024-2025
  • The search for the company to carry out the internship must be done by each student, so we recommend doing it with enough time because at the time of making the request through UV Electronic Office, you must already present the documentation duly signed by all parties: the mobility coordinator of the bachelor's degree or, if it is a master's degree, the director of the master's degree, a person responsible for the company and the student.
  • For the search, we recommend consulting with the mobility and internship coordinators, who can be found at the following links:
  • We also have a list of companies and institutions where students from other courses have carried out internships and more information, in the "Find an institution" tab on this website.
  • Scholarship amount:they will be financed for a maximum of 12 months. Information on the amount of the scholarships can be consulted in the "Scholarships and financial endowment" tab on this website.
  • To establish the duration of the internship period, it must be taken into account whether the student has made previous stays within the Erasmus program for the same study cycle from which they are applying for the scholarship. In the case of having a previous Erasmus period, the restrictions established within the Erasmus program - studies and internships - must be taken into account since, added to the planned number of months of the internship that is intended to be carried out in the same cycle, training (degree or master), cannot exceed a total of 12 months (24 months for the degrees of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Double Degree in Pharmacy and Human Nutrition and Dietetics).
  • The previous Erasmus period of stay that is taken into account for this limit is the one accredited in the certificate of stay for said mobility, regardless of the months that have been financed by the scholarship.
  • Compatibility with the Erasmus study scholarship.
  • The Erasmus Internship scholarship is compatible with receiving an Erasmus Studies scholarship in the same academic year, as long as both are enjoyed in different and independent periods. To be entitled to the scholarship in this case, it is an essential requirement to have submitted to the UV Electronic Office the documentation for closing the file required for the Erasmus scholarship at least 15 days before the start of the internship. These scholarships will be awarded conditional on compliance with the requirement specified in this point, so in the event of non-compliance by the interested party, the scholarship will be cancelled.

Benefits for the institution


  • Gain new perspectives from interns
  • Create the possibility of exchanging knowledge and experiences in the field of innovation and creativity through contact with institutions that can provide a different perspective.
  • Update the entity's knowledge and experiences, as it will add an international dimension to the company.

Benefits for students


  • Acquisition of work experience in the international arena and the possibility of applying the theoretical knowledge acquired in university studies.
  • Opportunity for personal, academic, cultural and linguistic development by living and working in another country.
  • Improvement of the curriculum vitae by including international work experience recognized by the University of Valencia
  • Opportunity to develop intercultural communication skills, self-management, independence, adaptability and security.
  • Any questions about the Erasmus Internship scholarship will be answered in our email practiques@uv.es as soon as we can.


Last update: 02/09/2024



Information Erasmus Internships course 2023-2024


The student mobility program Erasmus Internships, for the 2023-2024 academic year, allow to students and recent official Bachelor's and Master's graduates to carry out internships in companies, institutions, universities, training centers, research centers and others. organizations from European countries participating in the Erasmus + Program of the European Union. Those institutions based in Spain and that have branches in European countries may also welcome Spanish students. It is also allowed to do internships in embassies or consulates.

Published the call in the DOGV 9616 of June 13, 2023.

The call for Erasmus Internship scholarships 2023-2024  More information in the "Calls" tab of this website.

Informative session on June 14 of the Erasmus Internships 2023-2024 scholarships where we give extensive information. You can watch it recorded on our YouTube channel here or the session November 6 from the XXI International Week here.

You can also view the pdf of the briefing presentation here.

  • The request must be made through the Online Office UV in the procedure "Erasmus Practices File 2023-2024" including the documents required for modality A or B.

  • The necessary documents are available and can be downloaded in the "useful documents" tab in the "next course" section.

  • The expected application deadlines are as follows:

    • First term: from June 14 to July 14, 2023. Closed.
    • Second term: from October 2 to 20, 2023, both included. Closed.
    • Third term: from January 17 to February 16, 2024, both included. Closed.
    • Fourh term: from April 10 to 30, 2024, both included. Closed.
  • Financing of a maximum of 12 months is foreseen
  • Minimum internship period: 2 months
The following types of organisations are not eligible as host organisations:


In order to avoid possible conflicts of interest or double funding, the EU institutions (such as the European Commission) and other EU bodies are not valid host organizations for this program; organizations managing EU programs, such as Erasmus + national agencies, or specialized agencies. If you have doubts, you can consult the complete list of ineligible entities clicking here.

The destination countries can be consulted in the "Scholarships and financial endowment" tab of this website. The United Kingdom and Switzerland are not included as a destination in the call for the 2023-2024 Erasmus Internship scholarship.

The search for the company to carry out the internship has to be done by each student, so we recommend doing it with enough time because at the time of making the request through Online Office UV  you must already present the documentation duly signed by all parties: the coordinator  mobility of the undergraduate degree or, if it is a master's degree, the director of the master's degree, a person in charge of the company and the student.

For the search we recommend consulting with the mobility and internship coordinators, who can be found at the following links:

List of placement coordinators

List of academic coordinators

We also have a list of companies and institutions where students of other courses have carried out internships and more information, in the "Find an institution" tab of this website.
Amount of the scholarship:


A maximum of 12 months will be financed,  The information on the amount of the scholarships can be consulted in the "Scholarships and financial endowment" tab of this web page.

To establish the duration of the internship period, it must be taken into account whether the student has made previous stays within the Erasmus program for the same study cycle from which the scholarship is requested. In the case of having a previous Erasmus period, it is necessary to take into account the restrictions established within the Erasmus program -studies and internships- since, added to the planned number of months of the internship stay that is intended to be carried out in the same cycle formative (degree or master), cannot exceed a total of 12 months (24 months for the degrees of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Double Degree in Pharmacy and in Human Nutrition and Dietetics).

The previous Erasmus stay period that is taken into account for this limit is the one accredited in the certificate of stay for said mobility, regardless of the months that have been financed by the scholarship.


Compatibility with the Erasmus study scholarship:

The Erasmus Internship scholarship is compatible with the receipt of an Erasmus Studies scholarship in the same academic year, provided that both are enjoyed in different and independent periods. In order to be eligible for the scholarship in this case, it is an essential requirement to have submitted by Online Office UV ​ the documentation for closing the file required in the Erasmus study scholarship at least 15 days before the start of the internship. These scholarships will be awarded conditional on compliance with the requirement specified in this point, for which in case of non-compliance by the interested party, the scholarship will be canceled.


Benefits for students:
  • Work placements provide an excellent opportunity to gain work experience in an international environment
  • They enhance your curriculum vitae and employability potential by providing international employment experience
  • They develop transferable skills, including communication across cultural boundaries, selfmanagement, independence, confidence, adaptability and develop linguistic skills
Benefits for companies and organizations:
  • Getting new perspectives brought by trainees and the contact with institutions
  • Exchanging and updating the knowledge and experience of the company
  • Adding an international dimension to the company

Any questions about the Erasmus Internship scholarship will be answered in our email practiques@uv.es as soon as we can.

Last update: 17/05/2024



Information Erasmus Internships course 2022-2023


Informative Meetings Erasmus Placement Programme


XX International Week of the University of Valencia from 7 to 11 November 2022. During this week, the International Relations and Cooperation Service, in collaboration with all the Faculties and Schools of the University, has presented the exchange programs for stays abroad during the course. 2023-2024.

If you have not been able to attend the Erasmus Internship information session, you can watch it on our YouTube channel by clicking here.

Presentation of the information session on Erasmus Internships 2022-2023


  • The call for Erasmus Internship scholarships 2022-2023 has been published in the DOGV and the opening of the first application period. More information in the "Calls" tab of this website.
  • The request must be made through the Online Office UV in the procedure "Erasmus Practices File 2022-2023" including the documents required for modality A or B.

  • The necessary documents are available and can be downloaded in the "useful documents" tab in the "next course" section.

  • The expected application deadlines are as follows:

    • First term: from June 22 to July 15, 2022. Closed.
    • Second term: from October 3 to 21, 2022, both included. Closed.
    • Extension of the second application period: from November 10 to 28, 2022. Closed.
    • Third term: from January 17 to February 16, 2023, both included. Closed.
  • Financing of a maximum of 12 months is foreseen. Published the resolution of the Vice-Rector for Internationalization and Multilingualism, which extends the number of months of funding for the call for Erasmus Internships 2022/2023. This limit will be a maximum of 12 months, instead of the 4 initially planned.
  • Minimum internship period: 2 months
The following types of organisations are not eligible as host organisations:


In order to avoid possible conflicts of interest or double funding, the EU institutions (such as the European Commission) and other EU bodies are not valid host organizations for this program; organizations managing EU programs, such as Erasmus + national agencies, or specialized agencies. If you have doubts, you can consult the complete list of ineligible entities clicking here.

The destination countries can be consulted in the "Scholarships and financial endowment" tab of this website. The United Kingdom and Switzerland are not included as a destination in the call for the 2022-2023 Erasmus Internship scholarship.

The search for the company to carry out the internship has to be done by each student, so we recommend doing it with enough time because at the time of making the request through Online Office UV  you must already present the documentation duly signed by all parties: the coordinator  mobility of the undergraduate degree or, if it is a master's degree, the director of the master's degree, a person in charge of the company and the student.

For the search we recommend consulting with the mobility and internship coordinators, who can be found at the following links:

List of placement coordinators

List of academic coordinators

We also have a list of companies and institutions where students of other courses have carried out internships and more information, in the "Find an institution" tab of this website.
Amount of the scholarship:


A maximum of 12 months will be financed,  The information on the amount of the scholarships can be consulted in the "Scholarships and financial endowment" tab of this web page.

To establish the duration of the internship period, it must be taken into account whether the student has made previous stays within the Erasmus program for the same study cycle from which the scholarship is requested. In the case of having a previous Erasmus period, it is necessary to take into account the restrictions established within the Erasmus program -studies and internships- since, added to the planned number of months of the internship stay that is intended to be carried out in the same cycle formative (degree or master), cannot exceed a total of 12 months (24 months for the degrees of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Double Degree in Pharmacy and in Human Nutrition and Dietetics).

The previous Erasmus stay period that is taken into account for this limit is the one accredited in the certificate of stay for said mobility, regardless of the months that have been financed by the scholarship.


Compatibility with the Erasmus study scholarship:

The Erasmus Internship scholarship is compatible with the receipt of an Erasmus Studies scholarship in the same academic year, provided that both are enjoyed in different and independent periods. In order to be eligible for the scholarship in this case, it is an essential requirement to have submitted by Online Office UV ​ the documentation for closing the file required in the Erasmus study scholarship at least 15 days before the start of the internship. These scholarships will be awarded conditional on compliance with the requirement specified in this point, for which in case of non-compliance by the interested party, the scholarship will be canceled.


Benefits for students:
  • Work placements provide an excellent opportunity to gain work experience in an international environment
  • They enhance your curriculum vitae and employability potential by providing international employment experience
  • They develop transferable skills, including communication across cultural boundaries, selfmanagement, independence, confidence, adaptability and develop linguistic skills
Benefits for companies and organizations:
  • Getting new perspectives brought by trainees and the contact with institutions
  • Exchanging and updating the knowledge and experience of the company
  • Adding an international dimension to the company

Any questions about the Erasmus Internship scholarship will be answered in our email practiques@uv.es as soon as we can.

Last update: 13/01/2023