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Anamarija Butkovic
I am a first year PhD student in the lab of Santiago Elena and I work with plant viruses and also do bioinformatics. We are interested in studying the evolution of viruses in their hosts and the interactions between them. I was born in Croatia and there I obtained a master’s degree in Molecular evolution, but I came to Valencia, Spain to pursue my PhD because I really like the research questions Santiago Elena’s laboratory is trying to answer and I am charmed by the beauty of Valencia.

Ciència emergent és un projecte de la Unitat de Cultura Científica i de la Innovació de la Universitat de València, que compta amb el finançament de la Fundació Española de Ciencia y Tecnologia  i el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.

Inicio​  Ministerio de Industría, Economía y Competitividad