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Online enrolment is open


Online enrolment is open

Is social business a good alternative of self-employment? This course assumes that, in fact, it is a good alternative, and besides is a good option for the territory. It does not only generate employment, but it is also a quality employment and geared towards improving social welfare of the locality where it is located, coinciding with the general interest purposes which motivate the Localities.

Therefore, this course on social entrepreneurship is proposed, addressed to entrepreneurs and people responsible for local policies of employment, which will enable them to know the basic lines of what is a social business, how it is constructed and financed, and what are tax and labour system.


ScheduleFrom 29 october 2014 to 26 november 2014. Every day at 00:00 to 10:00.


Mancomunidad Intermunicipal de l'Horta Sud, Torrent

Organized by

Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation, the Intermunicipality Community of the region of L’ Horta Sud and with the collaboration of Caixa Popular..


Contact vicerec.participacio.projeccio@uv.es unitatsuport@uv.es