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Prostitution and global capitalism, debate with Rosa Cobo


Rosa Cobo, professor of Gender Sociology and director of the Centre for Gender and Feminist Studies at the University of A Coruña, visits us on 28 September to offer a conference on the recent edition of the book “La prostitución en el corazón del capitalismo” (“Prostitution in the heart of capitalism”). The event is scheduled from 18:30 hours at La Nau Cultural Centre.

It is framed within two important dates of this month. 23 September, “International day against sexual exploitation and human trafficking”, and 28 September “International day for decriminalization of abortion”.

Rosa Cobo will explain us how prostitution has suffered profound changes in the last decades, among other things. Now we face with a global, interconnected industry, with a mode of operation similar to large capitalist corporations’, a much larger annual volume of profit than several multinationals’ combined and with one foot in illicit and another in lawful economy. 21st century’s prostitution is the fusion between patriarchal and capitalist interests with an increasing process of commodification of the bodies and sexuality of millions of women around the world, who are expelled from peripheral countries and transported to central ones for men of all social classes to sexually access their bodies in an operation of sexual colonialism.


Date 28 september 2017 at 18:30 to 21:00. Thursday and friday.


Aula Magna. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Unitat d'Igualtat.


Contact igualtat@uv.es

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