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Manual del Sistema de Garantia Intern de Qualitat (passed in the Board of Centre on 14 January 2022)

The Quality Committee of the Centre is the body that develops the planning and monitoring of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SGIC), acting also as one of the conductors of internal communication of the policy, objectives, plans, programmes, responsibilities, and achievements of this system. Some of its aims are:​

  • To verify SGIQ planning in the Faculty so overall requirements in the SGIQ Guide, Policy, and Quality Objectives and requirements set in verification and certification guidelines are met.
  • To suggest and review Faculty’s Policy and Overall Objectives on Quality, and report the educational community.
  • To suggest and coordinate the establishment of annual objectives in the Faculty and track their execution.
  • To track procedures’ efficiency through corresponding indicators and indications. That is why an annual evaluation and improvement suggestions of procedures must be carried out.
  • To receive information from the dean about the chart modification programmes.
  • To control remedial and/or prevention actions, actions derived from system’s revision, actions responding to suggestions, complaints and reclamations, that is, all procedures in general.
  • To introduce SGIQ’s improvement purposes suggested in the processes presented in the SGIQ.
  • To decide periodicity and duration, inside its scope of competence, of satisfaction surveys to target groups.
  • It is provided with the results of the surveys by the Quality coordinator and proposes criteria for considering improvement purposes that may derive from the results.
  • Supervise information and is accountable to the university community for the evaluations and improvements carried out.
Merelles Tormo, Antoni

President - dean

(9638) 64181
Ballestar Tarín, María Luisa

Center Quality Manager

(9638) 64462
Brage Serrano, Ricardo

Nursing Degree Coordinator

(9639) 83151


Campos Campos, Juan

Podiatry Degree Coordinator

(9638) 64480


Estarlich Estarlich, María Luisa

President Nursing CAT

(9639) 83145
Alcahuz Griñán, Montserrat

President CAT Podiatry

(9639) 83148


Julián Rochina, Iván

Director of the Master's Degree in Oncology Nursing

(9639) 83143


Prósper Palomares, Javier

FIP Administrator

(9638) 64780


Cámara Valles, María Vanessa

Planning, Analysis  and evaluation

(9616) 25023


Salavert Rodríguez, Elena Student saroe@alumni.uv.es