Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Physics Logo del portal

Exhibition Visions
Exhibition “VISIONS”

VISIONS aims to raise awareness that the labour integration of disabled persons is possible. Through this exhibition, which shows real examples of labour integration of people with different disabilities who develop their capacities in normal work environment, we will achieve our goal. This exhibition want to exposure this reality to society, so everyone can be active and participative members who generate a policy of social change addressed to equal opportunities, we all must involve ourselves in achieving that our protagonists to stop from being a minority. Just through awareness we will join attitudes and wills to stop labour integration from being an exception.


ScheduleFrom 6 march 2017 to 20 april 2017. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday at 08:00 to 20:00.


Hall de la Facultat de Farmàcia

Organized by

Vicerrectorado de Cultura e Igualdad. Fundación gruposifu. Facultat de Farmàcia.


Contact fac.farmacia@uv.es