Name |
Category |
Enric Valor i Micó |
Dean of the Faculty |
Ana Cros Stötter |
PDI (professor with permanent connection) |
Mª Amparo Díez Ajenjo |
PDI (professor with permanent connection) |
Chantal Ferrer Roca | PDI (professor with permanent connection) |
Pascuala García Martínez | PDI (professor with permanent connection) |
Santiago González de la Hoz | PDI (professor with permanent connection) |
MªJesús Hernández Lucas | PDI (professor with permanent connection) |
José Mª Martí Puig | PDI (professor with permanent connection) |
Domingo Martínez García | PDI (professor with permanent connection) |
Vicent J. Martínez García | PDI (professor with permanent connection) |
Fernando Martínez Vidal | PDI (professor with permanent connection) |
Miguel R. Nebot Gómez | PDI (professor with permanent connection) |
Gonzalo Olmo Alba | PDI (professor with permanent connection) |
Susana Planelles Mira | PDI (professor with permanent connection) |
Vicent Quilis Quilis | PDI (professor with permanent connection) |
Juan Fco. Sánchez Royo | PDI (professor with permanent connection) |
Enrique Silvestre Mora | PDI (professor with permanent connection) |
Mª Amparo Tórtola Baixauli | PDI (professor with permanent connection) |
Mª Pilar Utrillas Esteban | PDI (professor with permanent connection) |
Javier Vijande Asenjo | PDI (professor with permanent connection) |
Óscar M. Vives García | PDI (professor with permanent connection) |
Juan Zúñiga Román | PDI (professor with permanent connection) |
María Moreno Llácer |
PDI (professor without permanent connection) |
Avelino Vicente Montesinos | PDI (professor without permanent connection) |
Miguel Villaplana Pérez | PDI (professor without permanent connection) |
David Vallés Pérez |
PIF (research staff in training) |
Mª Ángeles Sáez Miralles | Administrator |
Alberto Sanz Barroso |
PTGAS (administration and service management technical staff) |
Josepa Serradell Torrijos | PTGAS (administration and service management technical staff) |
Verónica Trillo Pérez | PTGAS (administration and service management technical staff) |
Mateo Argente Pardo | Student |
Chayma Boussouf Lachkar | Student |
Míriam Chiner Vilaplana | Student |
Aitana Cortés García | Student |
Iván García Blanes | Student |
Hana Hergueta Furió | Student |
Francisco Jara Pérez | Student |
Iván Marcos Sánchez | Student |
Iván Noguera Arenas | Student |
Raúl Oblaré Delgado | Student |
Tània Puchol Forés | Student |
Jaume Ros Pastor | Student |
Santiago Sánchez Blasco | Student |