Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Physics Logo del portal


Enric Valor i Micó

Dean of the Faculty

Ana Cros Stötter

PDI (professor with permanent connection)

Mª Amparo Díez Ajenjo

PDI (professor with permanent connection)

Chantal Ferrer Roca PDI (professor with permanent connection)
Pascuala García Martínez PDI (professor with permanent connection)
Santiago González de la Hoz PDI (professor with permanent connection)
MªJesús Hernández Lucas PDI (professor with permanent connection)
José Mª Martí Puig PDI (professor with permanent connection)
Domingo Martínez García PDI (professor with permanent connection)
Vicent J. Martínez García PDI (professor with permanent connection)
Fernando Martínez Vidal PDI (professor with permanent connection)
Miguel R. Nebot Gómez PDI (professor with permanent connection)
Gonzalo Olmo Alba PDI (professor with permanent connection)
Susana Planelles Mira PDI (professor with permanent connection)
Vicent Quilis Quilis PDI (professor with permanent connection)
Juan Fco. Sánchez Royo PDI (professor with permanent connection)
Enrique Silvestre Mora PDI (professor with permanent connection)
Mª Amparo Tórtola Baixauli PDI (professor with permanent connection)
Mª Pilar Utrillas Esteban PDI (professor with permanent connection)
Javier Vijande Asenjo PDI (professor with permanent connection)
Óscar M. Vives García PDI (professor with permanent connection)
Juan Zúñiga Román PDI (professor with permanent connection)
María Moreno Llácer

PDI (professor without permanent connection)

Avelino Vicente Montesinos PDI (professor without permanent connection)
Miguel Villaplana Pérez PDI (professor without permanent connection)
David Vallés Pérez

PIF (research staff in training)

Mª Ángeles Sáez Miralles Administrator
Alberto Sanz Barroso

PTGAS (administration and service management technical staff)

Josepa Serradell Torrijos PTGAS (administration and service management technical staff)
Verónica Trillo Pérez PTGAS (administration and service management technical staff)
Mateo Argente Pardo Student
Chayma Boussouf Lachkar Student
Míriam Chiner Vilaplana Student
Aitana Cortés García Student
Iván García Blanes Student
Hana Hergueta Furió Student
Francisco Jara Pérez Student
Iván Marcos Sánchez Student
Iván Noguera Arenas Student
Raúl Oblaré Delgado Student
Tània Puchol Forés Student
Jaume Ros Pastor Student
Santiago Sánchez Blasco Student