Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Physics Logo del portal

Història de la Facultat de Física

The Faculty of Physics at the Universitat de València, previously denominated Faculty of Physical Sciences, was created on 19 September 1977 by ministerial decree, which decided to divide the former Faculty of Sciences of the University of Valencia in four faculties :

    Faculty of Chemical Sciences

    Faculty of Physical Sciences

    Faculty of Mathematical Sciences

    Faculty of Biological Sciences

Its origins go back to October 1961, time of the creation of the Section of Physical Sciences in the former Faculty of Sciences, located in number 13 of Blasco Ibáñez Avenue, which only had the Chemical Sciences Section at the time. The later appearance of the Sections of Mathematical Sciences and Biological Sciences, the progressive increase of students, and the imminent move to the current Campus of Burjassot, led to the division into the four faculties mentioned.

Due to the introduction of new degrees at the University of Valencia during the 1993-94 academic year, the following degrees were launched: Degree in Physics, Computer Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Diploma in Optics and Optometry, and Technical Telecommunications Engineering (Electronic Systems and Telematics), all of them appointed to the Faculty of Physics, because of the transformation of specialties that were being taught, and the transformation of the former Degree in Physical Sciences.

On 2003 the departments of Computer Science, Electronic Engineering and Chemical Engineering separated from the Faculties of Physics and Chemistry and created the Higher Technical School of Engineering (ETSE-UV); since then, the degrees in the areas of engineering, which were born from the former Degrees in Physics and Chemistry, have been taught at the ETSE.

Later, the transformation of the University Degree System caused by the adaptation to the European Higher Education Area, led to a redefinition of the previous degrees in a new system of Bachelor and Master degrees, so that the implementation of the set of new degrees that are currently the responsibility of the Faculty began during the course 2010-11:

    Degree in Physics

    Degree in Optics and Optometry

    Double Degree studies in Physics and Mathematics

    Double Degree studies in Physics and Chemistry

    Master in Advanced Physics

    Master in Medical Physics

    Master in Remote Sensing

    Master in Advanced Optometry and Vision Sciences