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Incentives for the elaboration of teaching materials, doctoral theses and research and science dissemination articles in Valencian language.

Grants for the elaboration of teaching materials, doctoral theses and articles, addressed to the staff, research interns and doctoral students of the UV.


Incentives for the elaboration of teaching materials, doctoral theses and research and science dissemination articles in Valencian language.

Annual call


To promote the use of Valencian language in the teaching and research activity and to improve the linguistic quality of teaching materials and of the projects scientific research.


Teaching staff, services and administrative staff, research interns, doctoral students of the University of Valencia.

Deadline for submission:

From 1 January to 31 December.


ScheduleFrom 2 january 2014 to 30 december 2014. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday at 09:00 to 14:00.


Language Policy Service. C/ Serpis, 29, 2nd floor

Organized by

Language Policy Service

University of Valencia .



Contact spl@uv.es

More information