Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Physics Logo del portal

Jornadas de Investigación y género
Inclusion of gender equality in scientific research

Sessions on the inclusion of gender equality in research and H2020. One session per campus and area knowledge.


Given that the incorporation of gender-based equality in research is one of the strategic measures of the 2nd Equality Plan of the UV (measure 5.2.4), these sessions are boosted with a programme composed by two conferences and a active workshop in order to analyse gender perspective in R&D projects, making available the objectives set in the HORIZON2020 programme to attendees. We will have the participation of well-known specialists in the field such as doctor Carme Valls, sociologist Marina Subirats, professors Carmen Magallón and Isabel Carrera, all them being coordinated by Capitolina Díaz, professor of the UV and president of the Association of Women Researchers and Technologists (AMIT).


Date 5 may 2015 at 10:00 to 14:00. Tuesday.


Campus de Burjasot

Organized by

Vicerectorat Investigació i Política Científica

Vicerectorat Cultura i Igualtat

Unitat Igualtat.



Contact igualtat@uv.es

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