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La Nau dels Estudiants i les Estudiantes
Introduction to data bases

Open registration. Course of La Nau dels Estudiants i les Estudiantes, edition September 2017.

In the present day, any organisation or institution counts with the support of its Data bases for the development of their functions. If we think about studies and research, the data collection is a needed, essential task. One of the functions of the data base is to allow the storage and recovery of the information so both people ans organisations can make decisions from the obtained results. The goal of this course if to offer knowledges to get started in the use and management of data bases.

This course is given by Elena Díaz Fernández, professor of the Department of Computing.

The contents of the course are the following: data bases mangement; data bases with Access; table design; basic operations about the data, fields and record of a table; modification of the fields in a data sheet; research and order of data; enquiries, relations between tables; selection and action enquiries; import and export data, forms and reports.

MODALITY: On-site workshop, 20 hours.

LANGUAGE: Spanish / Valencian.

LOCATION: Taongers Campus.

DATES AND SCHEDULES: From 4 to 7 September of 2017 from 9 to 14.

ROOMS: Available soon.


REGISTRATION DEADLINE: From 19 June to 31 August 2017


Date From 19 june 2017 to 31 august 2017. 24h. Every day.


Campus de Tarongers

Organized by

SeDI. Delegación del Rector para Estudiantes.



Contact nauest@uv.es

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