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Scholarships at Harvard University for UV professors & students.


Every year, RCC offers a number of Research Grants for the Faculty (professors and researchers) of our University Partners to carry out their projects at Harvard University.

Additionally, RCC offers a number of Graduate Scholarships for Spanish graduates (licenciados, ingenieros, arquitectos, graduados, master) who enroll in one of the Graduate Programs at Harvard University. Preference is given to students who have attended one of the RCC Partner Universities.

Elegible candidates can download the calls and read about the procedure in the attached files. To apply, please fill out the online forms for Research Grants and Graduate Scholarships and submit your required materials in PDF.


Date From 10 october 2016 to 31 march 2017. 24h. Every day.


RCC Harvard University http://rcc.harvard.edu/rcc-research-grants

Organized by

RCC Harvard University & Universitat de València.



Contact rcc@harvard.edu

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