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Written expression and composition skills

Open enrolment for the course. Workshop of La Nau dels Estudiants i les Estudiantes, September 2017 edition.

Writing is one of the communication vehicles of human race. If we want to express ourselves properly in this way, we must master some aspects: from purely grammatical ones to structural issues. This workshop aims at contributing to improve your written expression for text drafting, both in the university field and the working or personal ambit.

This course is coordinated by Salvador Pons Borderia, and taught by David Giménez Folqués, both professors of the Department of Spanish.

The contents of the course are the following: Updating of regulations (RAE) on accent marks, punctuation and different grammatical issues. Style correction. Review of some of the most frequent mistakes in writing: orthographic, grammatical and lexical mistakes. Text composition: Text planning: phases and rhetorical strategies; The composition process: distribution of information, cohesion, coherence, word order. Monographic texts and writing practices: choice of topic and selection of relevant information; suitability to register; register transformation practices; written argumentative strategies practice.

We recommend bringing a laptop or tablet to lessons.

MODALITY: On-site course, 20 hours.

LANGUAGE: Spanish.

PLACE: Tarongers Campus.

DATES and SCHEDULE: From 4 to 7 September 2017, from 9 to 14.

ROOMS: Will be published shortly


This activity is included in the Sumer Courses Guide 2017 of the Xarxa Vives and can have academic recognition in other universities from the Xarca. If you are not a student of the Universitat de València, check in your university the conditions for academic recognition.

REGISTRATION PERIOD: from 19 June to 31 August 2017.


Date From 19 june 2017 to 31 august 2017. 24h. Every day.


Campus de Tarongers

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Contact nauest@uv.es

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