Universitat de ValènciaEthics Committee in Experimental Research Logo del portal

1) To advise the staff in charge of the animals on issues regarding animals’ well-being when acquired, housed, watched over, and used.

2) To advise the staff on applying the substitution, reduction and refining requirements, and report on the technical and scientific updates when applying them.

3) To set up and check internal operation processes in terms of control, communication and tracking of information about animals’ well-being.

4) To write the report referred to in the article 33.1 of the R.D. 53/2013 and to track projects to check on the effect upon the animals that have been used. Thus, to establish and evaluate the best element that contributes to substitution, reduction and refining.

5) To propose, consider and inform the research staff on the studies of animal well-being needed for setting up a line of animals genetically modified, and ensure that they do not experiment any kind of suffering, anxiety and pain rougher than a shot under the conditions that they are kept.

6) To review already evaluated projects and, when necessary, report the project’s responsible on the observed deviations.

7) To communicate significant amendments to any project already launched without an authorisation by the administrative responsible referred to in the R.D. 53/2013.