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Facing digital sexism

València Thinks Global. We imagine the future

“Facing digital sexism” (Enfrentando el machismo digital)

Laia Serra Perelló

Criminal lawyer, gender and intersectionality expert


Herminia Rangel Lorente

Presiding judge of Valencia’s Court n. 3 for Violence Against Women

Vice-principal of Culture and Sport UV Ester Alba Pagán

In this new session of VALÈNCIA THINKS GLOBAL, criminal lawyer, gender and intersectionality expert and author of the Las violencias de género en línea 2018 research (Online gender violence) Laia Serra will address the particularities of gender violence in the digital context as well as in the one involving new technologies. She will reflect on digital sexism, what it is and how it’s organised, the women this kind of violence affects and the multi-level solutions that are being proposed, among other topics. Moreover, Enfrentando el machismo digital offers the perspective of Presiding judge of Valencia’s Court n. 3 for Violence Against Women Herminia Rangel, who will dialogue with Laia Serra in a session presented by vice-principal of UV’s Culture and Sport Ester Alba.

Online conversation: YouTube channel of La Nau Cultural Centre


Date 9 march 2021 at 19:00 to 20:30. Tuesday.


Online debate

Organized by

Nau Digital-Observatori Cultural, Fundació General de la Universitat de València i Institució Alfons el Magnànim.

