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A girl covering her face
Entrenament per al caos

Entrenament per al caos. Danza (Training for chaos. Dance)

Blue Japi Boli (Students of the María Carbonell Dance School)

The alarm clock rings. We have to get up. There is no other option. We can't waste time. We can't let our guard down. This is no joke. See you at La Nau.

Created and performed by: Marina Enguer, Marina Valle, Paula Fernández, Paula Ginestar, Celia Sierra, Virginia Ciges, Magalí Aparisi and Marta Modesto.

For all audiences

Winning Project ‘Activa Fest 2022’

Premiere performance

Activity included in the programme of the ‘Festival Cabanyal Íntim 2022’

Free admission with prior reservation [+]


Date 11 may 2022 at 17:00 to 18:00. Wednesday.


Claustre. Centre de Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Activa Fest Vicerectorat de Cultura i Societat UV. Cabanyal Íntim

Col: Estudio Danza María Carbonell.

