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Photo sculpture of an angel
Sálvese quien pueda

Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives

Round table 

“Sálvese quien pueda” [Every man for himself]


Teresa Cordón

Simultaneous interpreter and translator. Daughter of Antonio Cordón and Rosa Vilas

Natalia Castellanos

Graduate in Audiovisual Communication. Granddaughter of Juan Peset Llorca

Xavier Crespo Rico

Creative Director Dacsa Produccions

José M.ª Azkárraga

Biologist. Photographer. Historical Memory Researcher 

Begoña Lobo,

Asilo Lawyer and editor of Media Vaca

Moderated by

Fernando Flores

Professor of Constitutional Law and Director of the Human Rights Institute at the Universitat de València

Round table around the book La guerra ha terminado: Alicante, 1939, published by Media Vaca, which recalls the end of the civil war in Alicante through the voices of a large number of eyewitnesses.

Free entrance. Limited capacity

Confirmation of attendance: h


Date 8 june 2022 at 19:00 to 20:30. Wednesday.


Aula Magna. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives del Vicerectorat de Cultura i Societat de la Universitat de València.



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