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Detail of an illustration by Antonio H. Palacios in 'Gaceta ilustrada', 1968.
Alumni UV: Guided tour to the exhibition ‘València 1972. Towards the Monster City’

Alumni UV organises a free guided tour, in collaboration with the UV Cultural Volunteering, to the exhibition València 1972. Towards the Monster City, organised by the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society of the Universitat de València on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the publication of Sanchis Guarner’s book La ciutat de València. Síntesi d’Història i Geografia urbana (“The city of Valencia. Synthesis of History and Urban Geography”).

The exhibition will be open to the public until 19 March in the Academia Exhibition Hall of the Centre Cultural La Nau in the historic building of the Universitat.

The tour proposed by Alumni UV, aimed at both members of the group and the general public, is free of charge and is part of the annual programme of Alumni UV.

This collaboration with the UV Cultural Volunteering follows the line of work of the Office of the Vice-Principal consisting of the organisation of guided tours of university spaces, aimed at students, associations, schools, high schools and any other group or people interested in learning more about the Universitat de València. These guided tours are given by volunteer university students, who are subjected to a programme that aims to provide them with training and experience about the present, past and future of the Universitat, while at the same time involving them in the activities that take place within it.


Date 16 february 2023 at 18:00 to 19:00. Thursday.


Centre Cultural La Nau (calle Universitat 2, València). Online registration

Organized by

Universitat de València

Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society

General Foundation of the Universitat de València

Alumni UV

In collaboration with UV Cultural Volunteering.



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