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Debate sobre el 5G
Espai d'Economia: 5G. La revolución inminente

5G. La revolución inminente: el impacto en la economía y en la vida de las personas (Spanish for 5G. The impending revolution: the impact on the economy and people's lives) is the title of the new session of Espai d’Economia de Gandia (Spanish for Gandia’s Economic Space).

With the participation of: Carolina Pascual, Valencian Government’s Counsellor for Innovation, Sciences and Digital Society; David Gómez, Engineer in Telecommunications and coordinator 5G-Xcast Project; and José Manuel Plaza of Telefónica Spain. Presented by: Diana Morant, mayoress of Gandia. Moderated by: Salva Gregori of the Cercle d’Economia de La Safor.


Date 17 february 2020 at 20:00 to 21:30. Monday.


Fomento AIC Building. (Street Sant Francesc de Borja, 56. Gandia)

Organized by


La Safor Economic Circle

UPV Gandia

Las Provincias Newspaper


Fomento Gandia





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