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Photo of Jazmín Beirak
Ungovernable Culture: Cultural Autonomy as a Democratic Need


UV Cultural Observatory

‘Ungovernable Culture: Cultural Autonomy as a Democratic Need’


Conference by Jazmín Beirak. Politician, art historian, cultural manager and researcher in cultural policies.


Hosted and moderated by:

Raúl Abeledo. Academic Director of the UV Cultural Observatory.


Safeguarding the cultural rights of citizens through the implementation of specific public policies is as complex a task as preventing any institutional control over culture. Jazmín Beirak Ulanosky, politician, art historian, cultural manager and researcher in cultural policies, invites us precisely to misgovern culture. To regulate institutions so that they do not regulate culture. According to her proposal, this would imply promoting public commitment to culture with the aim of guaranteeing the autonomy required to favour its independence. 

Limited capacity.

Prior registration required and free of charge:


Date 23 february 2023 at 18:00 to 19:30. Thursday.


Aula Magna. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Observatori Cultural de la Universitat de València.

