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More than 500 students attended the Education Employment Forum of the UV

  • UV General Foundation
  • November 15th, 2023

The Faculty of Education hosted the third edition of the UV Employment Forum UV this Wednesday, 15 November and saw a high attendance of more than 500 students and thirty companies.

The event served as a bridge between the student body, graduates, companies and organisations within the sector that, through the different stands out front of the Faculty of Education, were able to share synergies and employment opportunities.

The Forum kicked off with a presentation by Professor Alicia Martí Climent, in which the attending public learned the process and function of public employment exchanges, the different types of positions offered, academic requirements and the competitive examination programmes, among others, for those within the education sector.

Afterwards, in the corporal expression classroom/gymnasium, adapted for the first time to host this event, there was an institutional welcome, given by Ángeles Solanes Corella, the Vice-Principal for Lifelong Learning, teaching Transformation and Employment of the UV. Solanes Corella highlighted the work done by the UV Employment Forums, which aim to help bring the students closer to the professional environment and facilitate labour integration. “The goal of this event id for you to learn about the different professional realities within your field, as part of the Universitat de València’s objective to provide its students with the best knowledge, skills and opportunities,” Solanes Corella stated.

Along with the Vice-Principal, Rosa Isusi, Vice-Dean of Studies, Teaching Staff and Quality Assurance, and María Alcantud Díaz, Vice-Dean for Internationalisation and Development Cooperation from the Faculty of Education reminded students of the importance of this type of events for building their professional future, with a range of more than thirty participating companies within their reach.

Furthermore, through the roundtable discussion on professional experiences in the area of education, the participants in the Forum were able to listen to the testimonies of professionals in their daily practice within the field.

Public administrations, social organisations, trade unions, publishers, as well as the services provided by the Universitat de València made up the list of the more than thirty participating companies and entities that the Education students were able to visit throughout the day, including the noteworthy presence of the València Activa Foundation, Labora-GVA, Acadèmia Ados, CEN Oposiciones, Magister and the ANPE and STEPV unions.

Employment Forums 2023-2024

Following the Education Employment Forum, the Employment Forums of the UV will continue through the second term with the Social Sciences Forum on 29 January, at the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences on 31 January and the Health Sciences Forum on 9 February on the Blasco Ibáñez Campus. This will be followed by Law Forum on the 14th and 15th. Then, in the Faculty of Geography and History on the 22nd, and in Philosophy and Educational Sciences on the 28th. In April, the Employment Forum will be held at the ETSE Technical School of Engineering on the 30th.

Those interested in taking part in these forums can find all the information on the website UVocupació

The UV Employment Forums is an initiative organised by the Office of the Vice-Principal for Lifelong Learning, Teaching Transformation and Employment through the UVocupació service and the General Foundation.


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