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Safe and responsible use of the Internet. Cybersecurity for families

  • November 17th, 2021
Image about Computer Cybersecurity


17 November /  17:00 a 18:00 h  / Online
Colaboration  INCIBE
Addressed to AlumniUV / General public
Free registration:
Instructions for registration: The registered person will receive an email with the link for the online connection.
      - In the field where "Name of the center, association or entity" is requested, you must write: AlumniUV
      - In the field where "Number of attendees ..." is requested, you must write: 1
More information:

Although the workshop is directed initially for families, we think that it can be useful for anyone to become aware of the importance of our privacy on social networks in particular and on the internet in general.

The session "Safe and responsible use of the Internet. Cybersecurity for families" wants to show how families are the best tool to accompany minors in learning the safe and responsible use of the Internet. For this reason we have to be aware of the dangers that exist and we have to know how to deal with the different problems that may arise and their solutions with minors.

The National Institute of Cybersecurity of Spain (INCIBE), is a company that is dedicated to providing support in the field of computer security to citizens, public and private companies, as well as to public administrations and their organizations, and to academic and public institutions. research, especially those that manage critical infrastructures. It also participates in the National Cybersecurity Strategy
