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UVjobs has provided career guidance for more than 10,000 individuals during its twenty years of service

  • UV General Foundation
  • November 21st, 2023
Student in a guidance session

UVjobs, the employment service at the Universitat de València, exceeded 10,000 individuals provided with career guidance last October. Since its creation in 2003, the number of students and graduates reaching out to the service has grown steadily.

This data coincides with the twentieth anniversary of the UV employment service’s creation. Since the service was put in place, it has held more than 17,500 individual professional guidance sessions. It has also addressed more than 8,000 queries via telephone or online. Questions such as skills and career opportunities, defining objectives or how to look for a job are the focus of many of the queries.   

The goal of this employment guidance services is to collaborate on the strategy for student integration into the workforce, in a personalised way, providing resources and tools to help ease the students’ transition into the labour market. The guidance service, led by the specialised staff of UVjobs, is an in-person service available on all three of the UV campuses.

The average age of the students and graduates who contact the service is 28, with a higher number of women (65.7%) than men (34.3%). Furthermore, in align with the UV’s commitment to equal opportunities for all its students and graduates, nearly 10% of the individuals attended were students with disabilities. As for areas of study, the students and graduates from Social and Legal Sciences, followed by students of Health Sciences and the Humanities are the most frequent users of the service.

As for the data for the past academic year (2022-2023), they confirm the predominant trend over the last three years of a clear paradigm shift resulting from the pandemic, in which we have seen a more frequent use of the online services (601 people) in relation to face-to-face sessions (402 people). Until 2020 face-to-face counselling was ten times higher than the online options.

Lastly, group guidance sessions specifically directed towards the different knowledge areas at the UV also makes up a large portion of the work done by the guidance service. Overall, more than 27,000 students have benefited from this service since its creation twenty years ago, with 2,000 receiving guidance services during the last academic year.