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L'Horta de València Chair organises a round table to analyse how to improve the connection of Benimaclet and Campanar with l'Horta

  • Web and Marketing Unit
  • November 25th, 2022
Horta de Campanar

The meeting will be held on Tuesday 29 November, at 6:30 p.m., at the Campanar Local Activity Centre for the Elderly (Calle del Dragaminas, 11). It will discuss, among other issues, the relationship between l'Horta and the city's neighbourhoods, and how to reduce the impact of the V-21 highway.

L'Horta de València Chair: Metropolitan Territory is organising a round table on the new ideas being proposed by Valencian civil society to improve the line of contact between the built-up city and l'Horta de València.

With the title: "How to improve the connection between the neighbourhoods of València and l'Horta-nord", the round table will feature the presentation of the proposals that have been submitted in recent months by the Neighbourhood Associations of Benimaclet and Campanar. In the first case, under the title "Benimaclet: Puerta de l'Horta"; and in the second, "Campanar-Benimàmet: Fachada de l'Horta".

Both interventions aim to provide the Valencian Public Administrations with projects that contribute to reduce the impact of the "new wall" that surrounds the city of Valencia, the six-lane highway that we call "Ronda-Nord". A new barrier that seriously hinders the connection of the city's residential area with its historical agricultural area. These connection claims are part of the current sustainability objectives, and the possibilities that the city of Valencia, and the City Council, has to be declared "European Green Capital 2024".