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The Council gives €55,000 euros for the Chair in Open Government, Participation and Open Data

  • Press Office
  • May 8th, 2024
Sillouette of a woman dancing

The Valencian Council will offer a financial aid of €55,000 to the Chair of Open Government, Participation and Open Data Chair (Pagoda Chair) of the Universitat de València. An international congress on the progress of the open government is to be celebrated, as well as different meetings related to democracy and participation, misinformation and digital communication.

The Chair also plans to hold a conference related to artificial intelligence; TikTok Awards; publications on transparent algorithms and a report on the new Registry of Algorithms of the Generalitat, as well as the Public Sector Digital Transformation Observatory, among others.

The Council will also fund the transparency chairs of the universities of Alacant and Jaume I. According to the Valencian Government, the objective is the dissemination of actions on transparency, access to public information, good governance, open data and institutional integrity. Thus, it includes training, dissemination, awareness‑raising and research actions related to those areas.

Datathon, in which students face challenges they must solve through open datasets, stands out among the actions in which Valencian public universities participate in through the agreement with the Generalitat.

The Pagoda Chair of Open Government, Participation and Open Data of the Universitat de València is the result of agreement between the UV and the Department of Transparency, Social Responsibility, Participation and Cooperation. The main objective is to encourage civic participation and open government using an interdisciplinary approach that brings together political, social, legal and technical considerations related to open data and new information and communication technologies.

Teaching and research staff linked to the Chair have extensive experience in the analysis of public policies, democracy and civic participation, with special emphasis on good governance and transparency.

Likewise, they also possess experience in the use of advanced analytical techniques on structured and unstructured data (language/text/images) with results recognised in prestigious journals and in the development of private and public projects.
