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2nd Edition Autumn University of Llíria (2019)
5th Edition Autumn University of Llíria. Registration open now

The Seasonal Universities programme arrives with force in Llíria, in its fifth edition, thanks to the collaboration between the Universitat de València, the Llíria City Council, the Valencian Provincial Council and Caixa Popular. Once again we meet at the Professional Conservatory of Llíria to talk about one of the educational aspects of Music: Peace.

With the title: 'Music and education for peace', the 5th Edition of the Autumn University of Llíria will try to continue, on 23 November, from 5:30 p.m., with the theme of last year in which music was exposed as a powerful tool for social transformation throughout history. In an international context of war, it is urgent to reflect on the use of culture, in this case music, as an element to promote peace. Thus, it is approached from a historical and educational point of view.

As it could not be otherwise, the day will end with a music concert.


Date From 26 october 2022 to 22 november 2022. 24h. Every day.


Professional Conservatory of Music of Llíria (Calle del Trencall, 4)

Organized by

Universitat de València

Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society

Valencian Provincial Council

Caixa Popular

Llíria City Council

Llíria Conservatory.



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