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Mural Diversidad
Mural Intervention @diversitatsUV

'Benvinguda diversitat' is a project that is part of the university's welcoming, which this year includes, among others, the activities selected in the first edition of the call for diversity grants.

The programme starts on Wednesday, 16th July at 13:00 with the inauguration of the mural on diversity, by the artist Iris Serrano, outside the Faculty of Psychology. This artistic intervention project is a proposal by the ARMAQoL research group at the University.

Full programme (Not available in English)


Date 16 september 2020 at 07:00 to 22:00. Wednesday.


Outside the cafeteria of the Faculty of Psychology

Organized by

ARMAQoL, in collaboration with Diversitats.



Contact diversitats@uv.es

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