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Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
1st Conference: Management and Direction of Educational Organizations. Open registration

This encounter will be held on 29 and 30 of June and it aims to encourage the challenges that the management function is currently facing. Thorough two conferences and two round tables experts will share practical experiences and theories with the objective of improving the management and direction of educational organizations.


The Aula Magna from the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences will held the 1st Conferences: Management and direction of Educational Organizations organized by the Master's Degree in Policies, Administration and Management of Educational Organisations, the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences and the Department of Education and School Management of the Universitat de València.

The registration period is open from May 2 until June 23. The registration is free and can be done on-line. At the end of the conferences the participants will receive a certificate of their assistance (10 hours).

The event will start on June 29 at 17 hours with the presentation of the conferences by the dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences, Rosa Mª Bonet; the head of the Service of Planning and Management of Permanent Learning of the Regional Ministry of Education, Research, Culture and Sports of the Generalitat Valenciana, Bernardette Ortolà; and the director of the Master's Degree in Policies, Administration and Management of Educational Organisations of the Universitat de València.

Joan Bofarull Saballs, tenured professor of the Pedagogy Department from the Girona University, will give the inaugural conference entitled Cambiar la mirada de la dirección y de la formación de los equipos directivos. Hacia donde debemos dirigirnos (Changing the way we look at management and management training. Where we need to go from here).

Wednesday’s events will end with a round table called La función directiva vivida por sus protagonistas: dificultades, satisfacciones y retos (The management function as experienced by its protagonists: difficulties, satisfactions and challenges). The professor Mª Amparo Calatayud will moderate and will count with the participation of: Antonio Pérez, director of the CEFIRE of Xàtiva; Jesús Martinez, director of the IES Andreu Sempere d'Alcoi (Alicante); and Joaquina Barba, director of the CEIP La Font d ́en Carròs (Valencia).

The events of Thursday 30 of June will begin at 17 hours with the conference La gestión y dirección de organizaciones educativas en tiempos de incertidumbre (Managing and leading educational organisations in times of uncertainty) by Joaquín Gairín, professor of Didactics and Educational Organisation from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

The day will end by giving voice to the students through a round table in which several students from the Master's Degree in Policies, Administration and Management of Educational Organisations of the UV of the 2021-22 academic year will share the management and leadership skills learnt during the Master's curricular internships.

The professor Mª Amparo Calatayud, director of the Master's Degree in Policies, Administration and Management of Educational Organisations of the UV, who will be responsible of closing the conferences, explained that the aim of this event is to generate a debate forum to reflect about the challenges that the directive function faces today. “It seems increasingly necessary to stablish a management model less focused on bureaucracy and administrative management and more focused at exercising a shared, participative leadership acting as a cultural agent of the school, a promoter of research and professional development of teachers. In short, a new management model on which experts in the management and direction of educational organisations will debate", said Professor Calatayud.



Date From 6 june 2022 to 28 june 2022. 24h. Every day.



Organized by

Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación.



Contact amparo.calatayud@uv.es

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