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21st International AEDEI Conference

With the title "Violence: Repercussion, Resistance and Representation in Irish Society and Culture", an international three-days-duration conference will be celebrated. On it, the different expressions of violence, its effects, its forms of resistance and, especially, the representation of all of them in the Irish society and Irish cultural expressions will be analysed and discussed at the same time that they are extrapolated to the European Area reality. For this, we will have the attendance of a high number of speakers with a strong international and interdisciplinary appearance among which we can find high-prestige academics such as the Doctor Lisa Fitzpatrick, from the Ulster University of Derry or the Doctor Eamon Maher of the Technological University of Dublin, as well as writers and theatre directors who have received many awards such as Marina Carr or Rosemary Jenkinson. There are also a high number of both, Spanish and Irish renowned researchers and other academic institutions from within and outside the European Space in order to improve in the understanding of all aspects of violence and the creation of imaginative and practicable responses from the academic and cultural world. Some of the research lines that we present and that will be useful for assemble the different sessions and boards include: restorative justice, migratory and border crisis, Ireland after the Brexit, historical memory, emerging identity conflicts, the eradication of all kinds of gender-based violence, the challenge of new queer theories, the effects of climate change and the struggle of social movements.


ScheduleFrom 31 may 2023 to 2 june 2023. Wednesday, thursday and friday at 09:00 to 20:00.


Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació

Organized by

AEDEI (Asociación española de estudios irlandeses).



Contact maria.gavina@uv.es

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