Universitat de ValènciaHuman Resources Service - Technical, Management, Administration and Services Staff (PTGAS-PI) Logo del portal

The article 28.4 of the Decree175/2006, of 24 November, of the Valencian Council, by which are regulated the work conditions of the public administration Council staff (DOCV 28 November 2006, num. 5397) contemplates the following modalities:
1. Accumulation of time of lactation in full-time works: in this case the application form must be sent to the Human Resources Service (PAS) through the following application form. 
2. Reduction of time worked in half an hour in the start or at the end of the working day, or one-hour permission that can be divided in two fractions. In these cases the application form must be sent to the centre, service or unit in which the worker provides services (you can use the following application form model).