Universitat de ValènciaHuman Resources Service - Technical, Management, Administration and Services Staff (PTGAS-PI) Logo del portal

Service Charter and Good Administrative Practice of the Administrative and Service Staff (PAS) of the Universitat de València

In a permanent process of improvement of the Public Administrations, it is necessary to incorporate the needed means and tools to give an answer to the social demand that claims from the public sector a service of greater quality and efficiency.

The Service Charter and Good Administrative Practice is the expression of the personal commitment that this Service has towards our users, both internal and external.

Services Charter

The Human Resources Service (PAS) is in charge of managing the issues relative to the administration and service staff of this university, through the implementation of the agreements of the individual and collegial entities that intervene in the definition of the staff policies.

We make efforts to offer a good service to the users, which is reflected in the continuous improvement of our web page, and in the simplification of the procedures.

The activities of the Service are addressed to the following objectives:

  • Elaborating and maintaining the relationship of workstations and the regular budget.
  • Management of the selection processes and the processed of the workstations.
  • Management of the staff administrative life, both official and labour, form the moment of taking office to the signature of the contract, until the regulatory decoupling of the active service. This includes: administrative status, permits and licenses, seniority, complements and all the incidents related to the active service of the administrative and service staff.
  • Management of the selection and temporary staff recruitment and maintenance of the different labour exchange for each professional category.
  • Maintenance of the personal record with all the information of the professional life of each one of the people of our collective.
  • Management of the selection and recruitment of the temporary staff linked to research projects.

Our actuation is based on the following principles:

  • Full respect of the rights and guarantees of the citizens that are recognised by law.
  • Comfort, agility and simplicity in the procedures that they have to comply, avoiding the unnecessary users, managements and displacements.
  • Agile and fluid communication, taking advantage of the technologies within our reach.
  • Professionalism, impartiality and transparency in all the actuations of its staff, which generates a good confidence and satisfaction level in the citizenship.
  • Efficacy and efficiency in the procedures in which we intervene.
  • Confidentiality and protection of personal data.
  • Constant adaptation to the economic and social environment and to the new institutional needs.

A) The services we have to provide

  1. Information Services
    1. Information, assistance and general guidance, in our office, in the opening hours (from Mondays to Fridays from 08:00h. to 15:00h. and Mondays to Thursdays from 16:00h. to 18:00h.).
    2. Information on the processing status of the procedures that affect them.
    3. The information on the Internet (www.uv.es/~) is available 24 hours a day, and provides the following service:
      1. Publication of the following calls: calls for job offers; for the provision of posts for the civil servants or labour staff; and for the selective tests, both of internal and free promotion.
      2. Updated publication of the public service legislation and of the university legislation we are subjected to.
      3. Publication of the internal regulations that can be of interest both for the general public and for the internal users, as well as other issues that may be relevant for the Universitat staff.
      4. Access to the consultation of the personal record.
  2. Aid services for the ends users
    1. Standard models of voluntary use, at the interested people’s disposal in the office and on the Internet, for the presentation of requests and applications.
    2. Issuing certificates and any other documentation needed to be presented before other entities or before other dependencies of this university.
    3. Issuing the identification card as administrative and service staff of this university.

B) The rights of the users, both internal and external

In their relations with this Service, the users have a wide range of rights expressly acknowledged in the current regulations, which is formalised in:

  1. Right to be informed.
  2. Right to be treated with due respect.
  3. Right to know the identity of the authorities and the people who issue the proceedings in which they take part in.
  4. Right to the presumption of good faith of the citizenship in their acts.
  5. Right to be able of acting personally or through a representative.
  6. Right to refuse the presentation of the documents that are not required by the applicable regulation and to not provide the documents already presented and that are in possession of the acting Administration.
  7. Right to make submissions, provide documents and being listened in the hearing procedures before the motion for the record resolution.
  8. Right to know the processing status of the proceedings in which they are part of and to obtain a copy of the documents that appear in the record that is going to be considered to dictate issue the decision, with the exceptions defined by Law.
  9. Right for the proceedings to be developed and resolved within the deadline set by regulations.
  10. Right to obtain the express judgment on all the issues raised in the proceedings.
  11. Right to exercise the remedies and complaints that are appropriate.
  12. Right to the confidentiality of the data, reports or antecedents obtained from this Service.
  13. Right to chose the language of the procedures that are issued in this Service.

C) Quality commitment

The Human Resources Service (PAS) commits to continue promoting its actuation model based in the following commitments:

  1. Information and assistance services
    1. The attention is personalised.
    2. Information is clear and precise.
  2. Internet services
    1. The information produced will be immediately published in the notice board and will be updated in the web page.
    2. The web page will be operative, except incidences, 24 hours a day.
    3. The errors detected will be corrected immediately.
    4. The queries presented will be answered through email, with the briefest possible timetable.

D) Participation of the users in the improvement of the services.

  • Citizenship in general and the users of our Service can collaborate and participate in its improvement, with the suggestions or complaints through the application form that we have enabled in Internet, or personally, through sending a post, fax or any other transmission system you want to use.
  • All the suggestions and complaints will be answered.

E) Telephones and contact address

  • If you want to access our dependencies, consult our web page to see the location.
  • Our telephones and email addresses are available in the page: directory.
  • Our institutional email: pas@uv.es