The objective of this web page is offering the interested people a general information tool of the Human Resources Service (PAS) aiming to approach the users and become an effective tool of access and contact.
This service manages:
- All the questions related with the administrative and services staff of the Universitat de València, particularly:
- Elaborating, modifying and maintaining the Lists of Posts.
- Elaborating, modifying and maintaining the budgetary templates.
- Maintaining the data bases of posts and actual occupations.
- Calling all the selective processed, managing them and offering the needed assistance, both of free access and internal promotion.
- Calling all the selective processes to access posts through the system of invitations to tender or selection system, managing them and offering the needed assistance.
- Maintaining the staff record and certifying the professional life.
- The documentation from the professional life notes of all the administrative and services staff:
- Recognition and management of seniority.
- Taking offices and cessations. Recognition and management of the different administrative situations.
- Permits and licenses.
- Incompatibilities.
- Retirement. Processing and bonuses estimations for various reasons legally previewed.
- Resolutions on the different phases of the administrative life.
- The preparation, maintenance and tracking of the different job boards. And also the implementation of the agreements referred to its functioning.
- Management of appointments of temporary nature previewed in the current regulations.
- Central management of the administrative and services staff time.
- Management of the hired staff by calls on research or by projects or contracts.
- There is a selection office and of professional life tracking of the staff hired by international or national calls on research, or by projects or contracts.