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Data of the company in charge of the security and surveillance of this campus: Clece, S.A.
Due to the space and relatively scatterness of the campus of Balsco Ibáñez, it has been divided in three differentiated zones concerning surveillance. In case of not knowing to which zone your centre belongs to, you can consult it in the following map.
Check thoroughly your zone because the numbers of the customer telephone service are different for each zone.

Telephones of the security service of the Blasco Ibáñez campus, according to zones

BLASCO IBÁÑEZ - RECTORAT Rectorat y Serveis Econòmic-Administratius M to F 22-8h Sa, Su and H 24 h 637477268 -
BLASCO IBÁÑEZ - ZONE A Edif. Rectorat, Medicina, Infermeria, Serveis c/ Menéndez Pelayo. 24 h 647861856 52020
BLASCO IBÁÑEZ - ZONE B Psicologia, Aularis I i III, FCAFE, Aulari V, Fisioteràpia, Camp d'Esports, Locals c/ Guàrdia Civil, Clíniques, etc. 24 h 647861854 52800
BLASCO IBÁÑEZ - ZONE C Filologia, Filosofia, Gª i Hª, Biblioteca Humanitats, Aularis VI , Annex Dept, Publicacions, FGUV, etc. 24 h 647861855 51090

You can call, if necessary, the 24-hour emergency number of the company Clece S.A.: 647861854.