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The samples must meet some previous requirements in order to be accepted by the metabolomics service:

  1. Users must inform in detail of the origin of the sample (human or animal), type (tissue, biofluids, cell culture), quantity (total number of samples and approximate volume), dangerousness and recommended precautions in the handling.
  2. The samples must be unequivocally marked for their perfect identification.
  3. Users must compulsory determine whether they wish to recover the sample once the measures are completed or authorise to the service for the destruction of their destruction.

The metabolomics service will not accept:

  • infectious samples or samples with Extreme danger in handling.
  • human samples which are not completely anonymous.
  • unidentified samples or samples defectively marked.

To facilitate the storage and subsequent handling of samples, we recommend users to provide the service samples in a suitable format for the type and volume of sample. In the case of biofluids with a minimum volume of 500 µl, we recommend to send the samples in vials of 1.5 ml. It is recommended, whenever possible, to contactthe service before starting to accumulate samples to determine the best way to deliver the sample.